Whereas: Anne McGuire has served 特学校 with loyalty and distinction for seven years as a Trustee and for six years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and, 而:
Her term as Chairman spanned a period of extraordinary difficulties for the school, 它的教师和学生, 包括两位校长的辞职, 一位临时校长的任期, the creation and inspiration of two search committees and the successful selection of the present headmaster; and, 而:
This period of grave disruption of the normal leadership of the school could well have resulted in an irreparable erosion of the morale with a resultant loss of the reputation of the school, 教师队伍的流失和学生队伍的高素质的流失, but did not do so largely because of her tireless leadership and dedication; and, 而:
在此期间, 无论任务多么艰巨,她都带着不同寻常的好奇心和想象力, 但她却表现出自己是一个乐于倾听的人, and a superb spokeswoman; and, 而:
Her approach to issues was always sensitive to and understanding of the delicate web of human interrelationships in the fragile environment as a girls boarding school; and, 而:
安妮·麦奎尔已经向她的同事证明了这一点, to the students and to the external world of Foxcroft the finest qualities of what her school stands for; Now, 就这样吧
解决了, the Trustees of 特学校 hereby express to Anne McGuire the respect, the gratitude and the high commendation of her Alma Mater for a job well and faithfully done; 再进一步
决定, 这是, created the Anne Kane McGuire 杰出的服务 Award to be granted only to those persons who, 根据校董会的意见, have shown equal dedication and brought the same high standards of service and 完整性, to the task of furthering the ideas and ideals of Foxcroft as has Anne McGuire; and, 再进一步
解决了,, in order to assure the objective maintenance of the highest standards for the award, no person shall be eligible to be nominated to receive it until the passage of three years following the end of that person’s service to the school; and, 进一步决定, 安妮·麦奎尔应该是, 她现在是, 指定的